A “Calling”
I have been blessed to represent the office of Christian Science nurse for many years.
It has changed my life, challenged me, strengthened my spiritual understanding, buoyed me up, humbled me, caused me to weep, to laugh, to be awe-struck, to understand spiritual joy.
During my years I have had to wrestle down impatience, disappointment, discouragement, supposed lack, ingratitude, disdain - my faith has been tested many times. All to find that “joy cometh in the morning”… over and over again.
I have thought about walking away but didn’t. I came to my (spiritual) senses, and continued on with my ministry as a Christian Science nurse. Stronger and clearer.
I love to share ideas and if this “heart’s rich overflow” helps someone else, well, that is my motive.
I like to think of Christian Science nursing in this way. God is our nursing Director; Christ Jesus our nursing Instructor; the Comforter our Lead nurse.
One of the synonyms for nurse (nursing activity) is to foster meaning, “to promote the growth or development of… to encourage.”
Foster: to promote the growth or development of… to encourage.” Webster’s
I think that sums up Christian Science caring, doesn’t it? Also known as Love thy Neighbor as thyself. The most Golden Rule!
Christian Science Nursing is irresistible, because it is of God. It is for one and all to express in some measure, as God’s reflection.
We love him, because he first loved us. I John 4:19
May I suggest, we nurse (one another) because He first nursed us.
We are all engaged in this service as His offspring.